Tummy Tuck Dubai

Tummy Tuck Dubai & Abu Dhabi

A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery enhancing abdominal shape. It entails removing excess abdominal skin and fat, tightening underlying muscles with stitches, and repositioning the remaining skin to create a more toned appearance.

Significant weight fluctuations after pregnancy, rapid loss, or weight loss surgery frequently result in abdominal changes such as loose skin, excess fat, and weakened muscles. Stretch marks are caused by pregnancy’s rapid abdominal expansion, which appears red at first and then fades to silver spots. Despite fat loss, the skin does not tighten after losing weight because it lacks suppleness. Tummy tuck Dubai surgery solves this by removing and contouring extra skin

Benefits of Tummy Tuck Treatment

The Tummy Tuck and Liposuction Dubai Treatment technique improves self-confidence by creating a tighter, more attractive abdominal structure. You’ll also notice an increase in confidence

  • Firmer and flatter belly
  • Better hip-to-waist ratio
  • Improved self-confidence
  • Increased choices in clothing
  • Long-lasting results

Tummy Tuck in Dubai / Abu Dhabi

These are the main questions asked by our patients during their initial consultation at our clinic for a tummy tuck in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.:

How many kilos/pounds will I lose with a tummy tuck?

The tummy tuck is not intended to eliminate weight. There will be a reduction in abdominal volume, but this cannot be the target of the surgery. 

Does a tummy tuck leave a big scar?

The tummy tuck scar is located horizontally just above the pubic hair implantation, extending laterally. It will be larger or smaller depending on the volume to be adjusted. This scar is designed to stay under bathing suits. The stages of healing are:

1st stage: It lasts until the 30th day and has an excellent and barely visible appearance. Some cases have a mild reaction to the stitches or the dressing.

2nd stage: It goes from the 30th day to the 12th month. There is a natural change in the scar’s quality in this period,  passing from red to brown, which gradually lightens after 1 year. There is no way to rush the natural healing process. Still, we give some special instructions to patients for a better and lighter scar.

3rd stage: From the 12th to the 18th month. The scar becomes lighter and less consistent, reaching its final appearance. Any evaluation of the final result of a scar should be done after this phase.

How long will it take to have a definitive result from the tummy tuck?

Liposculpture is a synonym for lipo HD. Both are performed with cannulas, and the approaches take advantage of the removed fat to add volume and improve the contour of the gluteal region or even reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Is it true that a new belly button will be done in a tummy tuck?

No. In a tummy tuck, your own belly button is used. There will only be a scar surrounding the belly button, located under new skin tissue.

Does the tummy tuck in Abu Dhabi correct that excess of fat in the stomach region?

A tummy tuck does not always correct this excess. It will depend on your torso type (chest + abdomen set). If it is of the short type, it will hardly be corrected. For patients with a long torso, the result will be more favorable. The thickness of the adipose tissue (amount of fat) over this region is also of great importance in a tummy tuck outcome.

Will I be able to have kids after plastic surgery on the tummy? Will the result not be affected?

The tummy tuck will not prevent you from having other children. The result will only be preserved if your weight is controlled in the new pregnancy. We advise, however, that you have all your children before undergoing a tummy tuck to avoid this damage.

Does the postoperative period of tummy tuck hurt?

No. A tummy tuck with a normal course does not present pain. The greatest discomfort occurs in the first 3 days.

Is there a risk in this tummy tuck?

Risks of infection, bleeding, bruising, necrosis, thromboembolism is inherent to any surgical procedure.

What type of anesthesia is used in this surgery?

The procedure can be done with Block (epidural or spinal anesthesia) or general anesthesia.

How long does the surgery take?

Surgery usually takes 3 to 5 hours.

In a tummy tuck in Abu Dhabi / Dubai, what is the hospital stay?

The period of hospitalization is approximately 24 hours (in a normal course).

Are dressings used in a tummy tuck in Dubai / Abu Dhabi?

Yes, dressings are used, but they are removed after 24 hours.

Is a drain used in a tummy tuck?

Yes. In tummy tuck in Dubai, we use a drain usually removed after a few lymphatic drainage sessions. The drain in the tummy tuck aims to prevent excessive fluid accumulation in the first postoperative days.

When are the stitches removed?

Usually, we use surgical glue, and there are no stitches to be removed in most cases. 

Does removing the drain in the tummy tuck hurt?

No. In the postoperative period of the tummy tuck in Abu Dhabi, numbness in the operated area is common, as removing the drain does not hurt.

After the surgery, when will I take a full bath?

The day after the Tummy Tuck surgery in Dubai, you can take a full bath. 

What is the postoperative evolution in a tummy tuck in Dubai and Abu Dhabi?

The tummy tuck result should not be considered definitive before 12 to 18 months. 

Is lymphatic drainage necessary after tummy tuck surgery in Abu Dhabi?

Yes. In a tummy tuck, lymphatic drainage is mandatory. We started around 2 days after surgery.

Tummy Tuck surgery recommendations Preoperative recommendations:

  • Communicate with us up to 2 days before the surgery, in case of flu, indisposition, etc.
  • Check-in at the indicated hospital and at the pre-established time, fasting for 8 hours, including water.
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages or heavy meals on the eve of surgery.
  • Avoid weight loss medications for 10 days before surgery.
  • Schedule a home rest for approximately 2 weeks.

Postoperative recommendations:

  • Avoid efforts for 15 to 30 days. Do not pick up any weight for 30 days.
  • take a full bath.
  • Normal diet, avoiding only foods that cause gas accumulation. Choose foods with fiber that regularize bowel function
  • walk every hour to avoid cloths on your legs
  • start the lymphatic drainage asap.

Types of Tummy Tuck

  • Classic tummy tuck:  It is recommended for patients with large excess skin and significant spread of abdominal muscles;
  • Vaser Tummy tuck: This is the most traditional method to remove excess skin and correct muscle diastasis. Associates tummy tuck with liposuction is indicated for patients with a thicker layer of fat in the abdomen. It removes excess fat from the belly, waist, and back, reshaping the silhouette.
  • Extensive tummy tuck: in addition to removing excess skin and correcting muscle diastasis, this surgery also removes excess fat located on the sides, hips, and lumbar, so the incision is larger. It is a highly sought after surgery after gestation;
  • Mini tummy tuck: This is a minor surgery compared to the classic method, indicated for patients who want or need to eliminate only excess fat skin below the navel. 

Tummy tuck recovery

The patient may experience pain and discomfort for the first three days, usually relieved with simple painkillers prescribed by the doctor. The patient must use the compression belt for at least 30 days.

The patient should avoid straining and lifting weights for 30 days, gradually resuming physical activities as authorized by the doctor. Lymphatic drainage sessions are recommended from the fourth day onwards.

Tummy tuck risks

There are risks of infection, hemorrhage, necrosis, and thromboembolism as with any surgery. But if the patient takes proper care, recovery will occur healthily and positively.

Tummy tuck in Dubai scars

The scar is located horizontally, just above the pubic hairline, and is normally covered by underwear and bathing suits. The scar length depends on the volume to be corrected in the procedure.

In the first 30 days, the scar will be quite discreet, perhaps with some reactions to the stitches and dressings. There is a natural thickening and a color change from the second month onwards. The scar changes from red to brown, becoming darker. 

Between 1 year to 18 months after the surgery, the scar gradually gets lighter and less consistent, reaching its final appearance only after that time.

Tummy tuck in Dubai and liposuction: what are the differences?

While tummy tuck aims to correct muscles diastasis ( also known as open muscles), liposuction promotes the removal of localized fat. Liposuction is performed cannulas that suck out excess fatty tissue.

 These two procedures can be combined to promote an even more complete surgery, providing better results when needed.

How much cost tummy tuck in Dubai?

Cost should only be discussed after a face-to-face assessment. Every patient has different requirements.

When is a tummy tuck in Abu Dhabi indicated?

Abdominoplasty is an abdominal plastic surgery to remove excess skin in the region. It can be performed for men and women who want to correct different conditions, such as:

sagging: people with excess flaccidity skin in the abdomen that cannot be eliminated with methods such as diets, physical exercises, or other aesthetic procedures;

stretch marks: excess stretch marks in the abdomen region can also be eliminated with the procedure if it is associated with sagging skin;

Muscle diastasis: consists of the separation between the rectus muscles. Patients with weak muscles in the abdominal region can also undergo surgery to promote stabilization of the abdominal wall.

Although these situations are common in post-pregnancy patients, patients who underwent bariatric surgery or lost a lot of weight quickly also are affected.

Genetic factors are also related to a greater predisposition to skin accumulation and sagging skin in the abdominal region.

Are there contraindications to Tummy tuck in Dubai?

Women who wish to have a baby in the future can compromise the results achieved;

Previous surgeries in the region, especially if there are transverse scars in the abdomen;

Patients with collagen disease, an autoimmune condition that affects the body’s connective tissue;

Patients with heart disease, diabetes, or hypertension without drug control;

Smokers: needs to stop 30 to 60 days before the surgery to avoid complications.

What are the risks of not having adequate care in the tummy tuck postoperative?

When the postoperative is not performed adequately, the patient is susceptible to risks. Some infrequent but possible occurrences include:

keloid scar or poor healing of the surgical incision, which may require reconstructive surgery;

fibrosis: consists of internal scars that cause hardening of the region, formation of nodules, and deformation of the skin;

seroma: when fluid accumulates in the scar, the organism may respond alone or require drainage;

infection: occurs when the incision is susceptible to external agents or cleaning is not done properly, and compliance with medical recommendations considerably reduces this risk;

thrombosis: formation of a blood clot in the veins, most commonly affecting the legs.


The procedure’s duration varies, however, it usually takes 2 to 3 hours

The outcomes of a tummy tuck vary in their longevity, but with a good lifestyle and weight maintenance, they can be long-lasting. However, normal aging and weight gain may have an effect on the outcomes over time. Regular exercise and a well-balanced diet help to keep the procedure’s effects going.

Consult your surgeon for a comprehensive medical checkup before undergoing tummy tuck surgery. Provide information about your medical history, medications, and lifestyle. Quit smoking, keep your weight constant, and stay hydrated. For a smooth recovery, strictly stick to post-operative care instructions, which include avoiding strenuous activity, taking prescribed medications, using compression garments, and attending follow-up appointments

There’s no guarantee, success relies on factors like choosing a skilled surgeon, realistic expectations, adherence to pre and post-operative guidelines, and individual healing. A thorough consultation and understanding of potential risks can enhance the likelihood of a successful tummy tuck surgery

Sagging skin, stretch marks, and persistent abdominal bulging or muscle separation, especially after major weight reduction or pregnancy, are signs that a belly tuck may be advantageous. If these issues are affecting your confidence or preventing you from achieving your desired appearance, a tummy tuck could be a suitable solution.

Are you interested in doing surgery for a tummy tuck Dubai? You are just one click away. Call us right now to learn more about our procedures for tummy tuck in Dubai.

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